Sunday, March 21, 2010

Baerbel Dieckmann kick back now?

Bonn - The scandal around the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB): After the raid in the old chamber was posted on Wednesday Architect Young-Ho Hong handcuffed - pre-trial detention in Klingelpütz.
 Consultant, Dr. Michael Thielbeer denied the statement and was driven back to police headquarters. And will put more pressure on Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann: The Greens demanded their resignation.
The prosecution accuses Hong and Thielbeer fraud, embezzlement, bribery and corruption in front of millions. The two men were arrested Tuesday night at the Police already stewing behind bars. They were up early yesterday, 3.30 clock, made by the investigators in the defect.
The original investor Man-Ki Kim (SMI Hyundai) against whom an investigation is also ongoing, has disappeared. According to him searched.
Turbulent times in politics. The Greens call for: "Ms. Dieckmann should take responsibility and resign." Group spokesperson Dorothy passport Weingartz: "The sys tem of non-information system was Dieckmann. She felt the Council as a disruptive factor. "Consequence: everything was decided behind closed doors, everything took place behind the backs of the Council. Namely:
The investor is a loan of 74 million euros have been granted, although not able to demonstrate that the contractually agreed upon equity.
Without proof of equity investors are planning changes in the amount of 60 million euros have been possible.
The investor was granted a further loan. And that now threatens a re-transfer of the WCCB in the city.
"As facts have been established, the burden on the citizens of Bonn amounts in millions," says passport firmly Weingartz. The Greens have no confidence in the OB. Proposal: The designated OB Juergen Nimptsch should take on the project for the WCCB.
On Thursday the request of the Greens is located in the Council on the table, which is Bonn's OB to resign. The CDU, whose leader had called for the resignation, will advise shortly before, whether it goes along at this point. Dieckmann So kick back on Thursday?
On Wednesday, the press service all EXPRESS questions WCCB blocked, to the missing 30 million that are now in a blocked account to the savings bank, to withdraw from exposures to the OB: "From the perspective of the municipality, there are currently no new information available to inform the would. "