Monday, June 7, 2010

Cologne kills dog - 1250 € penalty

Cologne - for violation of the Animal Welfare Act, the Cologne District Court sentenced a 36-year-old landscape gardener to einerGeldstrafe of 1250 €.
The judges saw it on Dienstagals to evidence that the accused of "revenge and anger" the Hundseines stepfather with a steel hammer to the skull eingeschlagenhat.
The man had filed in court a confession. He said seinStiefvater saw him the day after its successful abgeschlossenenGesellenprüfung damitangeschwärzt a landscape gardener with his employer that he was taking drugs.
He then was taken over by the Firmanicht in permanent employment. In a rage about it undEnttäuschung he want to set the step-father to task.
When he did not find him and instead, his dog ran away on that he had left out his emotions on the animal.