Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hamas threatens Israel with attack

Tel Aviv - If there is a large explosion in Israel? It looks like an escalation of violence.
Israel gave the radical Hamas islamischenPalästinenserorganisation reflection 48 hours ago einerangedrohten military offensive. The Israeli Sicherheitskabinettwill according to media reports only on Sunday, a endgültigeEntscheidung make about the way forward.
Small signs of hope: Israel has opened, despite the ongoing Beschussesdurch Palestinian militants on Friday, the borders of Gazastreifenfür humanitarian supplies. MitGrundnahrungsmitteln About 80 trucks, medicines and grain nachAngaben passed to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense, the Grenze.Darüber also had a limited amount of industrial diesel for Gaza dasKraftwerk and cooking gas were delivered. It is umdie first auxiliary supply for ten days.
Israelhoffe the fact that Hamas after the delivery of aid in denGazastreifen the shelling of Israeli border communities with rockets cease undMörsergranaten.
   Israel had to respond to the shelling of his Grenzgemeindendie 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by the Außenweltabgeriegelt. The militant Palestinian groups in the force Gazastreifenwollen Israel with the constant attacks to dieGrenzübergänge constantly open for the movement of goods.
  According to Army data suggested since late Thursday evening, seven Mortar Shells on Israeli soil. The Israeli Medienberichteten of 22 A hit in an empty building einund directed to property damage. Since the already fragile Waffenruhezwischen Israel and twelve militant Palestinian groups imGazastreifen on 19 December was expired, Israel is beschossenworden nachArmeeangaben with more than 170 rockets and mortar shells.
   In response, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Mittwocheine from last warning and threatened Hamas with a `big undzerstörerischen force," the Israeli army and high Opferzahlen.Olmert said in an interview with the FernsehsenderAl-Arabiya, the Arab population in Gaza against Hamas vorzugehenund to stop the rocket fire. `Stop, stop (...) wirsinds stronger," said Olmert.