Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Fischer amuses me only"

Cologne / Gelsenkirchen - He should have preferred to remain silent. Klaus Fischer and his confused verbal attacks on Lukas Podolski - after the Liechtenstein game, it was time.
But now proposes EXPRESS Poldi zurück.In had several interviews Fischer, who has laid such a great career as a player, again criticized his "favorite" Podolski. Mario Gomez also got off his fat.
Poldi has drawn level thanks to his match against Liechtenstein in the eternal DFB Torschützenlsite with ex-striker Fischer (32 goals) - and this is the age of 23. And that rankles Fischer revealed.
"Today's play so well against the town of Zwiesel Selection. Take a count on how many goals Podolski has made against good opponents, "griped fishermen," he is no ordinary club player who had played with us before. "And on Gomez:" He has now made one years no longer a gate. Not even next to India. "
Podolski cool reply: "His statements amuse me just yet. For Mr. Fischer, it is yet again a wonderful opportunity to call at the people in memory. But I was surprised that he would continue to exercise its expertise in any function in football ", says Poldi with a dash of irony. Fischer, runs from 1981 through '84 even with FC, a soccer school in Hagen.
More about: Here Poldi brings his chief critics>