Monday, April 26, 2010

Bruno Cirillo: professional football player wants to be pornstar

Munich - It's supposed to be always good to know what you want to achieve. Also Reggina-Calcio defender Bruno Cirillo has his exact needs. For according to the professional career of 31-year-old wants to play in porn films.
"Since my youth I dream of porn actors to be," said the defender during a television program.
It certainly does not lack talent, announced the number five of the Calcio-known clubs. According to the opinion of his fellow players, so Cirillo, anyway he was "a gift". "When my colleagues call me that, it's because it's true," said the tattooed Defender.
His league-mate Antonio Cassano of Sampdoria like to chat about his qualities: 700 women had already got the striker to bed, he says. 20 of them were active in show business.
That Cirillo has only a tired smile, "I believe that he has invented. Although I think it was with me for more than 20. "
More about porn and football: From football to erotic star> porn premium for professional football> England star with sex-video blackmail>

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Celebrity News Home

Dusseldorf --
Here, pop the cork of the 15-liter bottles of Taittinger champagne, the Triple-Magnum (4.5 liters) Gray Goose vodka on the tables and is very pretty waitresses in uniforms show hostess to the guests from the wishes of the lips .
Furthermore, guests celebrate omitted, including celebrities such as actor Ralph Moeller and football stars, beautiful girls and many familiar faces from past Sam's time. Dusseldorf has his wild parties back! "The Glow" is the new party's paradise. Who has opened the club on Castle Square? Singer Daniel Lopes (33)!
And he can win as a consultant none other than his longtime friend Mike Tabor - the man who has the "Sam's done" at the Kings as one of the leading German clubs.
"I've always dreamed of a private club - this dream I've met me," said Lopes, who in 2003 looking at the first season of "Germany for the superstar" this was and ended up in the last ten.
Together with Tabor, he went on a search. "We have found Düsseldorf's finest club location!" Says Tabor. Guests can pull up right on the castle square with the car to the red carpet. The carpet leads into the covered with brown leather booths, which are built around the dance floor.
"We have rebuilt everything with great attention to detail. I wanted to have a shop where you immediately have a good feeling. This implies that the waitresses are very attentive care to the guests. "
Lopes is personally every night at "The Glow". He puts on music in between. Including of course his new hit "Vision of Love". Since three weeks, "The Glow" open. Tabor: "It is now assumed already great." The club is open daily from 23 clock. Also on 1 and 2 Christmas Day. New Year's Eve from 22 clock. On 9 Of January is here, ushered in the old Sam's traditional New Year with a huge party.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Fischer amuses me only"

Cologne / Gelsenkirchen - He should have preferred to remain silent. Klaus Fischer and his confused verbal attacks on Lukas Podolski - after the Liechtenstein game, it was time.
But now proposes EXPRESS Poldi zurück.In had several interviews Fischer, who has laid such a great career as a player, again criticized his "favorite" Podolski. Mario Gomez also got off his fat.
Poldi has drawn level thanks to his match against Liechtenstein in the eternal DFB Torschützenlsite with ex-striker Fischer (32 goals) - and this is the age of 23. And that rankles Fischer revealed.
"Today's play so well against the town of Zwiesel Selection. Take a count on how many goals Podolski has made against good opponents, "griped fishermen," he is no ordinary club player who had played with us before. "And on Gomez:" He has now made one years no longer a gate. Not even next to India. "
Podolski cool reply: "His statements amuse me just yet. For Mr. Fischer, it is yet again a wonderful opportunity to call at the people in memory. But I was surprised that he would continue to exercise its expertise in any function in football ", says Poldi with a dash of irony. Fischer, runs from 1981 through '84 even with FC, a soccer school in Hagen.
More about: Here Poldi brings his chief critics>

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Rada? Fortuna access should be there "

Dusseldorf / Zagreb - Dinamo Zagreb, he has switched off with the UEFA Cup Ajax, swim in Croatia on the wave of success. Nevertheless, the cult-keeper Georg Koch also followed from a distance continue to develop at Fortuna.
When the trainer questions are now some of his companions in the game. Express spoke with the 35-year-olds.
Fortuna is looking for a new coach, even some of your former Aufstiegsmitstreiter indicate interest. As you can see the situation? "I think much of it if would take for example a pair of Petr Rada and Ralf Voigt. I know who enjoyed Ausblidung Petr has and what he is doing in the Czech Republic. Fortuna should access. But having said that now, they certainly will not make ...
Forget about that aspect ... Good times. Petr has proven that it works great in the Czech Republic. He has brought out there with very little money, many talents. He also had good in his own career coach, is currently working with a man like Karel Brückner. Petr and is a young coach at his side, flip it.
Why did they plead for a representative of your guard? Fortune now had so many coaches who had to deal with the club never before what to do. Uwe Weidemann, who has done for me by the way good job for a long time, there was an exception. But he has not even so many years, and have played not just at a good time at Fortuna. You should now really time to look into their own ranks, look who has evolved and how this path. Such people feel Fortuna tradition but much more.
Do you have any of the "usual suspects" on the paper? Are the problem but the ideas that has a coach who comes from the Bundesliga. He wants to stay away, for example, always in the best hotels. Peter in Teplice has not even the best conditions. So it is in Dusseldorf even when the arena once excluded.
There are also still the option that Wolf Werner success now and then, after the winter break weitermacht.Er will simply wait for the next four games. But there is now even more pressure has been established, it should then install a coach, if he is clever. It's difficult when you have so long been not as a coach on the court. The methods and the vernacular have changed. If he still does not create, but then it goes automatically to his head. Finally, he has assembled the team.

Friday, April 2, 2010

DFB is chasing the bad guy

Frankfurt - It's getting to a miserable automatism: Match for Match Horst Hilpert must deal with the video footage of the weekend. His mission: The DFB chief prosecutor is chasing the bad guy from the Bundesliga.
He must be equal to dealing with an old friend. Hamburg defender Timothee Atouba applies strongly for the title of the meanest Bundesliga players. His victim this time: Albert Streit.
Who got off a blow with his elbow. Not quite abruptly, the dispute had been a trick done in Atoubas soft tissues, even against him, the football-established covenant. "It was yellow, but red Atoubas assault was smooth," said the Frankfurter.
The Hamburger, who was with his wild dancing to the audience favorite, will ligaweit the bogeyman. Last week he rose to Hamit Altintop (kick to the head) and Christian Lell (kung-fu jump against Bayern) a rotverdächtig, the DFB looked upon the punishment.
A lock also threatened the Bremen defender Naldo. The Brazilian had put the Dortmund Tamir Cohen a kick, the referee Peter Sippel had not sanctioned the scene. But the referee had already generous: Multiple BVB increased Professionals brutally especially against Werder director Diego.
It was one of the toughest weekends of the league, piling Brutalo attacks themselves. The call for protection of players is getting louder. Act "vigorously against nasty fouls one must show more often the bright red card, referee calls boss Manfred Amereller.
"But then we all have to stick together: associations, media, referees. Then can not start the howling again, one must run international hardness. The league turns it often as they need it now. "
Since the trainers are in demand. Bochum's Marcel Koller: "We need clear guidelines as. I must have said to my players: that you must go, that you must not do. But that is not so simple. The referee whistled times so-so. "
Hilpert and his committee on Monday and then take on the hunt. Naldo, Atouba and controversy has caught it. You threaten long locks and fines in their clubs.
Atoubas teammate Joris Mathisen is mad about the lack of discipline: "the beginning of last season we had five red cards in seven games. That should not happen again, so we only hurt us. But it seems some have not grasped yet. "